Saturday, December 26, 2009

Bullet Points.

Contemplative state of mind. Go.

--Just watched 500 Days of Summer. I don't care what the legit edgy people say, that movie wasn't trying to be anything.
--Edgy...what is it with my obsession with being edgy? I don't really want to be edgy...just look like's more just the label...and the look...which are things that don't matter and just burn in the end...a desire to not be mainstream...or preppy...ew, preppy...just want to be unique.
--I still have 3 weeks left of break. 3 weeks at home. Which is nice. Love my family. Miss my friends, who are becoming more and more like family as time goes by.
--Signed a lease for an apartment for next year. It's a nice apartment, and I'm grateful to have found it. Not going to lie though: I really wanted that house.
--I just want a space of my own. Mine. To paint. I would like a green kitchen, with clear dishes. And a china blue bedroom, with a wall to draw on. And a red living room, with a leather overstuffed couch. And a yellow bathroom, with white porcelain everything.
--I'm at the age when other people my age that I know start getting married. I won't lie and say that being single is wonderful, because it's not. But it's enjoyable. And flexible, I suppose. Lets you do things you couldn't do otherwise. (I say this, but don't really know what those things are. Enlighten me. Because people say it all the time and I always wonder.)
--I would like to live in a perpetual state of Summer. (Don't worry, it's just Winter getting to me right now.)
--I often worry that I will never do something amazing. I just want to do one amazing thing. Something that will make people say, "Wow, that is truly amazing." And mean it. Just one thing.
--Yellow: mustard yellow, $4 scarf, flats that give me blisters, disease, The Yellow Wallpaper, macaroni, Mizzou gold, the sun, pollen that stained my favorite shirt, tie-dying something in shades of yellow could turn out nicely, would yellow still look good on me if I dyed my hair red,?
--Piercing or tattoo? The ever-cyclical question.
--Birds. Owls.

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