Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Oh Blog, it's been so long.

Wow, haven't been here in a while. Sorry blog. And sorry to the two people that read this blog. :)
Let's see...what has happened since the last time I was FEBRUARY!
...officially changed majors (HRM here I come!)
...secured two jobs for the summer (thanks God!)
...changed the spelling of my name (get used to it, it's stayin' that way)
...had an awesome adventure in Chicago over Spring Break with Madeline


That's it. I've basically just been working my butt off at school and work, so nothing too exciting here. God's been sending some awesome weather in Columbia's direction lately, so I'm really quite thankful for that. Today is the perfect Madi weather: 65 degrees; cloudy, but not too overcast; breezy, but not windy; and just an overall lovely day outside. Good weather is a great encouragement to me, it just kind of gives me hope. I tend to go into hibernation in the winter: physically,'s nice to come out and see the sun. One of the other things I've been appreciating lately are the little landscaping elves on the MU campus here. All of a sudden, there are all these beautiful flowers everywhere! I have never seen so many vibrant colors of tulips as there are on the walkway outside the A&S building. I just can't help but stare out the window at them during class! And right behind Memorial are these deliciously magenta azalea bushes. Paired with the lush green grass and blooming trees, it is absolutely gorgeous here. I know everyone says it all the time, but Creation is just so amazingly beautiful, I really can't help just looking up at God and smiling. People see my on campus and probably think I'm a bit strange, but I really just can't help but be in wonderment. I feel like it's God's gift to me, just to give me a little push through the end of the school year; like He's saying, "It's okay, you can do this. Look, I'm here. I'll show you. Look at all these awesome things I created. I've got them, and I've got you too."
So, thanks God, for the awesome weather and all the wonderful things You created.